Pictures of my convocation is up!

Nafa Convocation 2008 , 16 August 2006 @ Singapore Conference Hall

Nice View Isn't it?

Two Guest Entry Tickets

The look of the conference hall, nice isn't it?
we are suppose not to take pictures of the area...

Entry of diploma & degree students. Spot me?
getting to the seats....

Arise for our national anthem

Hearing the speech from guest of honour

Arrival of the "colours": the president, the professors, masters and the H.O.Ds of NAFA

Shall we start???

Tadaaaaa~~ Honour of receiving the scroll from NAFA's president

well, that ghostly figure that walk past is me..
So long...
Feel like sleeping..
Finally, the scrolls are given out to all...

"Colours" leaving the stage and the hall
and finally!! out we goes!!
officially diploma students!
mark of new journey~
thats all..